Learn More About Kangen Water


The Best Kangen Water Demo

This video is a must watch!

It goes in depth on all the properties of Kangen Water:
Alkalized - to flush acidic waste from the body
Antioxidant - to fight oxidation and inflammation
Micro-clustered - to hydrate the body more efficiently

This machine is the leader in water ionization and is the only machine on the market that is medical-grade certified.

Eliminate the need to buy toxic household chemical cleaners, face wash and toner, veggie wash, kitchen degreaser, disinfectants, detergents, etc.

Click here to check out the 68 Uses of Kangen Water

Kangen Water Demo

This video is slightly more dated than the one above as it talks about the SD 501 as opposed to the K8.

But just like the video above, it discusses and demonstrates why you should no longer waste your money on plastic, contaminated water. Kangen Water is the best choice for your health and for the sustainability of our planet.

Change your water, change your life!


How Kangen Water Affects Your Blood Cells

This is one of my favourite videos showing the health effects of drinking Kangen Water.

In this video, Sebastian looks at his blood cells under a microscope and compares what they look like as soon as he wakes up in the morning, after drinking a cup of coffee, after drinking bottled (Dasani) water and after drinking Kangen Water.

The results truly speak for themselves!

Tap Water Chlorine Test

In this video, Ken demonstrates how your body absorbs harmful chemicals from your bath and shower water and how the Anespa shower filter from Enagic filters out these chemicals and supplies ionized minerals, leaving your body soft, smooth and well nourished.